With the new MyDecs Reimagined, decoration guidance has changed… A couple of these changes include:
- Line minimum/maximums (for MSM, ASCOM, and ASAM) no longer exist. They must not be longer than 1350 characters.
- Numbers: Nine and below will be spelled out (unless space is limited). All numbers above nine are not required to be spelled out.
- Abbreviations/Acronyms: Authorized if they are found on the approved DAF abbreviations and acronyms list.
- Font: Courier New at font size 11.
Dec Workbench is a decoration drafting tool that builds the opening and closing sentences based on selected options and indicates the number of characters for the 1350 myDec character limit. Please send any edits to TSgt Hansen at matthew.hansen.9@us.af.mil. Last updated 5 June 2024.
Here are 2 templates made by friends at Nellis:
Decoration Narrative Builder
Published Sep 2020. Updated May 2024.
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