Bullet Blender

Download Bullet Blender here.

It’s a bullet writing tool. It just makes writing faster/easier. Here’s a few things it does:

  • Automatically pull up similar bullets (Must have a bullet bank loaded)
  • Check for over-used words/acronyms
  • Checks formatting
  • Scrubs white-spaces for MyEval (New)
  • Auto Compresses bullets e.g. adds half-spaces (Classic Writing)
  • Auto Builds Acronym lists
  • Thesaurus for words
  • Check for spelling
  • Auto extend/compress acronyms …. and more….

Usage Instructions:

  • Download Bullet_Blender.zip from GitHub
  • Extract Files to a desired location
  • Right Click on BB.ps1
  • Click “Edit” (This should open up Bullet Blender in Powershell ISE)
  • Once PowerShell ISE is opened. Click the Green Play Arrow.
  • Success!

Possible Errors:

  • Execution-Policy
    • Some systems may prevent you from executing the script even in PowerShell ISE.
      • On a Government machine: You’re pretty much SOL unless you have admin rights.
      • On a Home Computer: Run PowerShell ISE or PowerShell as an administrator
        • Type the command:
          • Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
        • Type
          • Y

If you’re on a Mac:

  • You will need to install PowerShell for Mac
    • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell-core-on-macos?view=powershell-7.1